Gender Is a
Nuetral Term

Gender Equality, not Eradication

It's an odd thing that this publication is on gender issues. I view exsistance as a single variable being either existing (alive) or nonexisting (not born yet, dead or whatnot). The variable of nonexisting has yet to be explored, but existing can be broken down with many lumps, one being life. Being male or female is a definite either/or. Yes, maybe Jamie Lee Curtis was born with sexual organs of both, but thats a rare occassion. Our bodies are controlled through stimuli and the chemical reactions they create in our brain. We may be creatures of logic, but emotion also runs rampant, thus forging a tempered union: emologic. We can try to ignore our hormones, but they will most probably catch up with us one way or another. Or resurface in perhaps a more devious way. Men and women simply put, are differant, though we make valiant attempts to create a utopic fellowship with the boundries of gender non-exsistant. But its still all a lie, an act, whose truth may never surface, but still lies latent. Women have been beyond repressed, more than any other group in history, and should most unquestionably always attempt and strive for better rights and treatment. The elemination of the gender boudny is not the solution, just an unstable lie. Woman is the only true divinity anyone will ever find. She cradles are existance in a way no test tube shall ever replicate. The question is not of elimination but of understanding. The question isn't even of love, but of shedding the blanket of ignorance. Man's primate attributes are more physical than those of women. It may not of been jelousy of the woman's gift but the general need to exercise his larger form that created the foundation of a women's repression throughout all of human history, with perhaps a brief stint with those Amazons. Throughout differant cultures, things such as murder and wealth can hold entirly differant meanings that can boggle ones mind, yet the history of woman and man has been the same. When man started forming true societym, his lust for power, as an instinct, told him to continue to repress and devalue. The Bible claims that She's been responsible for the loss of innocence. Hindu women are set, alive, on the pyre next to their dead husbands. Man needs to put Rambo back into his pants. There is no need for innergender competition, there is only a need for recognition of the chanche of sharing a future where we are differant yet equal. For, if we eleminate the gender we eleminate an intimiate part of each and everyone of us.

Reality melts through gender lies taken as truths, and other helpful gems of wisdom.

As your average nihilistical-philosopher punk rocker, I'd like to share with you the only written work that has only ever made me question the reality of what I am as human being. And I'm no small time reader, ahem, I've read Camus, Pynchon and Conrad. The following lines come from a punk band from the early 80s called Crass off their album Penis Envy, and album that in itself is about the gender issues. Don't worry about copyright laws beign violated as the lyrics are public domain as Crass was a anarcho-peace-athiest band. The song itself is speckled with portions that contain sweet irony of the true meaning. For a trailer... marriage is a legal rape. Enjoy.

Smother Love

The true romance is the ideal repression, That you seek, that you dream of, that you look for in the streets, That you find in the magazines, the cinema, the glossy shops, And the music spins you round and round looking for the props.

The silken robe, the perfect little ring, That gives you the illusion when it doesn't mean a thing, Step outside into the street and staring from the wall Is perfection of the happiness that makes you feel so small.

Romance, can you dance? D'you fit the right description?

Do you love me? Do you love me?

Do you want me for your own?

Say you love, say you love me, Say you know that I'm the one, Tell me I'm your everything, let us build a home.

We can build a house for two, with little ones to follow, Proof of our normality that justifies tommorrow.

Romance, romance.

Do you love me? Say you do, We can leave the world behind and make it just for two.

Love don't make the world go round, it holds it right in place, Keeps us thinking loves to pure to see another face.

Love's another skin-trap, another social weapon, Another way to make men slaves and women at their beckon.

Love's another sterile gift, another shit condition, That keeps us seeing just the one and others not existing.

Woman is a holy myth, a gift of mans expression, She's sweet, defenceless, golden-eyed, a gift of gods repression.

If we didn't have these codes of love, these tokens of position, We'd find outselves as lovers still, not tokens of possessions.

It's a natural, it's a romance, without the power and greed, We can fight to lift the cover if you want to sow a seed.

Do you love me? Do you? Do you? Don't you see they aim to smother The actual possibilities of loving all the others?

You know what this taught me after I listened to it ad nauseum? Well first I thought it was just the reinforcing of the "marriage is rape" idealogy, but suddenly it dawned on me that monogamous relations are no more natrual than polygamous ones. I knew that many status quos were dictated by a conformist society, but some thigns I had help exempt as human nature, unavoidable. I realized the Mormons and other cultures do/did it, but yowza, I guess it was just my plain ignorance, sheilding me from the arduous yet alluring sensation of knowledge. This lead to the believe that nothings is natrual, or that all things that can be done by a human being are equally natural. Anything and everything. Of course, even in polygamous relationships, its the man in charge and his wife is not shared. Your love is still spread unequally. Love can be a trap if so highly concentrated, if your going to love, and truely love, than love everyone. Perhaps we evolved the need for polygamous relationships, but that was then this is now, and the future is just around the corner. Jelousy and lust have dictated the smaller end of human nature for too long, if they can be overthrown perhaps a ripple effect will take place. Peace is not an impossibility. Love can and has been as banful as hate. Its a nuetral force, not a benevolent one, and must be treated accordingly.

quick thought

I'm a peccismist and I see no gender revolution anytime soon, and if one does come men prolly just take the place women have rested at, as revolutions tend to do. So, I say, bluntly, legalize prostitution. Why? I've read reports on the brothels in Nevada, where its legal. These women are given respect, protection, health care and a chanche to make money. One of them is going to college. One does it because she wants her body appreciated (I personally think that would make her a nympho, but thats sexist of me to say.) Condoms are manditory and STDs are not a problem. Its not the best life, but better than being a crack whore, sucking dick for a rock and dying before you reach thirty because the pigs don't think of you as a person. Its an escape, a poor one, but one that can be approved upon and perhaps give a glimmer of anti-despair to some of the dismal existances that walk the lands these days.

Rybread Celsius

Shallow Thoughts

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