For the punks who give a shit, there is always a dilemma. I hate to generalize, but I've found that there about three type's of punks, but there are many variations.

The first type are the not-so bright kind who usually do mad amounts of drugs and drink, but not always. They rarely do stuff to help the scene, but at least, for most, somewhere within them, they are fed up with this world and its horrid regulations. This is also the category where fashion punks would fall in.

The next type are the ones who REALLY want to attack the system and are gun-ho about it. They are usually smart and quote insane amounts of Bakunin, Marx and other prominent thinkers. I always joke about this type being so punk that if aliens landed and tried to enslave/detroy the human race, they would create a great reason to be on the alien side. The ultimate rebellion is the one against your species.

The third kind, and where I picture myself, are those who would rather attack the small injustices that are so prominent and right in your face, than go after a full fledged revolution.

I think too much and here's my dilemma: If you do eventually stop the injustices then there won't be any reason for the common masses to rebel and than revolt. So what should you do, not help? In the past, the majority of revolutions occur when the complete masses are so down trodden that revolt is the only possible choice, even if not practical.

So, should we stop helping? Said out loud, that's a stupid question and an absolute "no". But if you think about it technically then it seems right. But as the human spirit, we are neither technical or logical. So we shall continue to help, thus delaying the inevitable revolution. Then again, technically the Marxist working class over throw should of happened along time ago.

This brings me back to Malthus and his essay on population. It stated that at the rate the world population is growing, there will soon be an outrageous food shortage and will lead to massive famine and cannibalism. With these thoughts, Malthus was sympathetic to the plight of poor, but refused to help them in any fashion as it would only eventually lead to the downfall of not just society but the human race.

The survival of the human race is also my guilty wish. Malthus was not a cruel man by choice, but by being practical. There is, of course, a solution. In my small state of Connecticut, if you were to totally level it and pave it you could fit approximately 99% of the 1995's world population onto it, just spilling into Rhode Island a bit. The problem was that if this happened, the weight would be too great and the earth would start imploding or get thrown off course or something equally silly.

The solution is take a reasonable size of land, in a reasonable climate, say Wyoming, and start building vertically. You could fit the entire world population onto it, comfortably with elbow room to spare and the rest of the world could be a park. The problems are of course easy to see. Government would have to be centralized, pollution would have to be kept at a minimum, and the general starting migration would be tough.

The problem that floats in my head, is that of an atomic bomb. With all the eggs in one basket, one trip and splat. Bye-bye human race. So a simple sprinkling of outposts everywhere else. Yeah, wishful thinking.

I don't really know anymore, this damn teenage angst is trying to get me, and I'm trying to fight it but I can't help think "it's all for naught" once in awhile. Well, lets switch to a crap column mode.

Umm.. I went to a show and someone was 'posed to beat me up, but all they did was push me. Fighting is poison. I bought a 2 10" record set put out by Wiggly Records and am very happy with it. My own paper zine is so far behind schedule that I'm sad and my e-zine, Beyond Lost, should be coming out soon. Only one zany thing happened. I went to the salvation army with some friends and bought an Atari game, "Chase the Chuck Wagon" cause I didn't want to go home empty handed. We then got into a semi-bad car accident, but I was OK. I went home and by reverse Murphy's Law, I saw an auction show on t.v.. and the Atari game was on and its worth 200$.

Well, that was a catharsis little tangent. So many thoughts and emotions but no words to express them. Some things to think about:

A fistful of vice.
The bastards will pay.
A blanket of sin.
Oi fuckin' vey.

Rybread Celsius

Shallow Thoughts

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