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![]() Ok, you may have noticed that when emergency vehicals go through intersections, all of the lights turn red except for the direction of the emergency vehical. Or, they all turn red and the ambulance, police car,
fire truck goes through. Well, ever wonder how they do it? Well, go out to
your local intersection and look up to the top of it near the actuall light. There should be a "T" shaped object, or some sort of metal fixture up there. If there isnt, dont worry. There is probably a few in your town on various intersections...keep readin'. (oh yeah, if you live in some lame little town, stop reading this now, because they dont use this system in little lame towns) Ok, now next time there is a problem in your town that requires the use of an emergency vehical, watch the top of the vehical. There should be a sort of box making quick pulses of light. Like a strobe light. Watch it and memorize the flash pattern it makes (huh?) Ok, it will probably take a couple of tries, but you will get it. The pulse rate in my town (Lodi, Ca) is 3 quick pulses of light, then a quick space. So, you get in your car and you grab thee old headlight switch. Sit in your driveway and practice making that same pattern. If yoo have one of those cars that the lights pop out of the hood when turned on, you've just wasted your time reading this article. Those kind dont work. Ok, got it now? Go to an intersction with a "T" shaped thingy (thats the detector for the pattern) and flicker your lights in the pattern when you get about 25-30 feet before the cross walk (or where you actually stop). If all goes well, the light should turn green, and your through. TIP: Dont do it when its busy, you could cause a wreck. If you live in a ruff town, dont do it if there are cars coming towards you, or a car in front of you....They might be gangsters and they'll think you wanna fight or somethin. Im not responsible if you hurt someone while doing this..........later DIY main | words | music | art |