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![]() Ok, well I decided to make this file after hearing how this kid almost got damn near getting ripped off for about $100 dollars by a couple of mechanics. See he had a '91 Volkswagen GTI and it was time to get his plates renewed. Well in Colorado, (where he lived) before you can get your plates renewed you have to get an emissions test done. Well he took his car down to the local TuneMaster, or some slock garage like that and got his test done. He passed well within Colorado Emissions Standards, and so he payed his money ($9 bucks) and was on his way right? Wrong. He (the mechanic) hands him his Colorado Clean Air Ticket, and its says "Failed. Vehicle failed initial sight test." So he's like "What does this mean!?" And the guy tells him that before they even GAVE him the test the vehicle failed because the OXS (Oxygen Sensor) light was on. Well as you can imagine he was quite pissed because they charged him for a emissions test which they new he was going to fail before they gave it to him. So the guy tells him he can reset the switch for $75 dollars and he was like "No Way" and he bailed. Now heres something to keep in mind. He just took an emissions test which told him his car was operating within Colorado Emission Standards...yet his OXS light is on. Hmmmmm? So he took the car to the dealer and ask them what is going on. Turns out the OXS light comes on every 30k miles regardless of whether its sensing oxygen or not. Why? So the DEALER can charge you $89.99 to reset the switch, thats why!!! So anyway, he starts lookin for the stupid switch himself. Unfortunatley he couldn't find it. So after a couple of hours of looking, he took his car to a mechanic-friend of his dads and he just laughed and says 'How much did they want?!?' So he flips the hood open and shows him the $100.00 dollar secret.